
Awam group holds complete range of wax products ranging from paraffin wax to fully refined wax. Imports of other products amounts to US$ 4 million and they include Wax, Red Wing Lentil, Dun Peas, Chick Peas, Yellow Peas, Cerelast, etc.

Keeping a complete range of products makes us compatible.

[ About us |Awam Group of Companies|Recognition Efforts ] [ Products | Sesame Seed (Till) | Oil Seeds | Edible Oil | Pluses Import| Pluses Export | Wax | Tallow | Rice ] [ Manufacturing | Ahmed Oil Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. | Taj Oil Industries(Pvt.) Ltd. | H.M Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.| MAMA Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. | Union Magnetics (Pvt.) Ltd. ] [ Storage Facilities | Awam ( Private ) Ltd.| Taj Oil Industries ( Private ) Ltd.| H.M Industries(Pvt.) Ltd. | MAMA Industries ( Private ) Ltd.] [ Contact us | Head Office | Mail us ]